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Be completely in sync with your music. enTrainer precisely synchronizes your iTunes music playlist to your running cadence[/header_info]
[section bg=”default”][info][inf title=”Two apps in one” subtitle=”MUSIC PLAYER BECOMES MUSIC TRAINER”]
an adjustable music player, where you select songs and set your target cadence.
a pace tracker, with pedometer features to measure your cadence and record your workout stats.
[/inf][inf title=”The Magic” subtitle=”THE SONG’S BPM = YOUR STEPS PER MINUTE”]
enTrainer does this for your entire playlist, slowing or speeding up the music to keep you on the same beat. It sounds best when the music you choose is within +/- 20% of your desired cadence, however enTrainer will work no matter what.
[/inf][inf title=”Measure your pace” subtitle=”USE THE TRACKER”]
Press the Track button and start moving. After a minute or so, your measured cadence will be displayed. This is usually a good initial setting for your target cadence in the Music Player. Experiment a bit to find what feels best for you.
Enjoy the Run!
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Try enTrainer
v2 Coming Soon